...more Projects - Languages: interpretation

ICVolunteers recruits and coordinates volunteer interpreters. They are professionals, as well as student interpreters and multilingual individuals. ICVolunteers offers both simultaneous and consecutive volunteer interpretation. See also section on languages: translation.

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Congreso Internacional 'Ãfrica-Occidente'

Congreso Internacional 'Ãfrica-Occidente'

14 - 16 November 2007, Huelva, Spain
Desde tiempos antiguos el nombre de África se ha relacionado con la imagen de una tierra cálida y llena de sol. More...
Eurodad Annual Conference 2007

Eurodad Annual Conference 2007

Limiting the roles of the World Bank and IMF: towards alternative institutions for channelling finance
28 - 30 October 2007, Oslo, Norway
The European Network on Debt & Development (Eurodad) is holding it's annual congress in Oslo this year. More...
Global Forum on Youth and ICT4D

Global Forum on Youth and ICT4D

Youth and ICT as Agents of Change
24 - 26 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
In an increasingly globalized world, the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the economic, social, cultural, political and individual spheres of life has dramatically transformed societies. More...
Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

19 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
The objective of the round table is to facilitate exchange between the ICV offices that are working on the Migration and Language Project. More...
Speak to better integrate

Speak to better integrate

30 November -1, Spain, France, Switzerland, South Afirca
For ICVolunteers, the pursuit of languages and linguistic diversity, as well as communications and interpretation, is a historical vocation. More...
European "Youth in Action"

European "Youth in Action"

30 November -1
ICVolunteers is involved the European Programme "Youth in Action" through its Barcelona office. More...

Social Missions Seminar

Handicap International
27 June - 05 July 2007, Valencia, France
The International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is now open for signature and ratification. More...
Civil Society Development Forum 2007

Civil Society Development Forum 2007

28 - 30 June 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
CONGO and its United Nations partners, with significant support from the Swiss and Geneva authorities, organized this Forum - in which more than 500 persons from intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental circles participated - with two goals. More...
Click to Download programme.doc (212K)

Consultation on Facilitation of WSIS Action Line C8

24 May 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
After the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) - Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005 - evaluation meetings are held once a year in Geneva. More...
Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

09 - 11 May 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. More...
Interpretation internship: Development Studies

Interpretation internship: Development Studies

12 February - 27 April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
ICVolunteers offers internship opportunities in an university environment in the context of the International Master of Advanced Studies (IMAS) in development. More...
"Speak to me, speak here!"

"Speak to me, speak here!"

Linguistic support for helping integration of migrants in Barcelona
30 November -1, Barcelona, Spain
Like some of its neighbours in the South-West of Europe, Spain evolved from being a country of emigration to a country of immigration at the end of the Nineties. More...
Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

28 - 31 March 2007, Valencia, France
We participated on the behalf of Handicap International to interpret for a Romanian participant, Paul Ciobanel, who is the director of the only school of prosthetics and orthotics in Romania. More...

ARC International UN Pannel

28 March 2007
Sorry, no summary is available.
High Tech ... No Rights?

High Tech ... No Rights?

"Qu'est-ce qui se cache derrière l'écran"
07 - 08 March 2007, Genève et Lausanne, Switzerland
Sous le thème, l'industrie des ordinateurs (dans les pays en développement), cette table ronde se propose de faire le point sur les conditions de travail dans l'industrie des ordinateurs, de Pékin à Mexico. More...

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