...more Projects - Languages: interpretation

ICVolunteers recruits and coordinates volunteer interpreters. They are professionals, as well as student interpreters and multilingual individuals. ICVolunteers offers both simultaneous and consecutive volunteer interpretation. See also section on languages: translation.

We found many matches (>one hundred seventy-seven!). You might try limiting your search more, or using the search engine.

PrepCom 3 of the World Summit on the Information Society

18 - 30 September 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...
World Summit on the Information Society

World Summit on the Information Society

15 - 19 November 2005, Tunis, Tunisia
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...
Landmine Survivors Network Meeting on Strategy

Landmine Survivors Network Meeting on Strategy

16 - 23 June 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Le Réseau des Survivants aux Mines Antipersonnel (LSN), créé par et pour les survivants, permet aux individus, aux familles et aux communautés touchés par les mines de surmonter le traumatisme, de faire valoir leurs droits et respecter leur dignité. More...
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

14 June 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) is an international non-government organization that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just,self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector. More...
European University of Voluntary Service (EFU)

European University of Voluntary Service (EFU)

29 May - 01 June 2005, Lucerne, Switzerland
In many countries, it can be observed that different social areas, which have traditionally been covered by unpaid work, are increasingly moving into the area of paid work. More...
International Conference ''Kids Behind Bars"

International Conference ''Kids Behind Bars"

A Child Rights Perspective
27 June - 02 July 2005, Bethlehem, Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Every three years, Defence for Children International (DCI) organizes a conference on topical child rights issues. More...
'Biodiversité, science et gouvernance' ou 'Biodiversité, pillages et corruption'?

'Biodiversité, science et gouvernance' ou 'Biodiversité, pillages et corruption'?

24 January - 26 May 2005, Paris, France
In order to contribute to the Convention for Biodiversity, the French government has organized, from 24 to 28 January 2005 in Paris an international conference titled "Biodiversité: Science et gouvernance". More...
Diploma of continued education, development and globalization

Diploma of continued education, development and globalization

07 February - 29 April 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The DFD (Diploma of Continued Education in Development Studies) fits in perfectly with the long tradition and philosophy of the IUED (Institute for Development Studies), which is to offer courses in continuing education. More...
Diploma of continued education, development and globalization

Diploma of continued education, development and globalization

07 February - 29 April 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The DFD (Diploma of Continued Education in Development Studies) fits in perfectly with the long tradition and philosophy of the IUED (Institute for Development Studies), which is to offer courses in continuing education. More...
World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

World Summit on the Information Society PrepCom II

17 - 25 February 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
The World Summit on the Information Society --Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005-- provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...


29 January 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Decade of the United Nations on Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014): which commitments at the national level? A Forum, devoted to this question and organized under the patronage of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO will take place on January 29, 2005 in Geneva. More...

Tapori, ATD-Fourth World

15 - 16 January 2005, Méry-sur-Oise (Paris), France
TAPORI, ça sert à mettre tous les enfants ensemble pour construire un monde sans misère! (Leah). More...
World Summit on the Information Society Civil Society Bureau Meeting

World Summit on the Information Society Civil Society Bureau Meeting

05 - 06 December 2004, Cape Town, South Africa
The World Summit on the Information Society?Geneva 2003 and Tunis 2005? provides an opportunity to discuss issues raised by the emergence and current development of the Information Society. More...
Landmine Survivors Network Training

Landmine Survivors Network Training

01 - 30 November 2004, Nairobi, Kenya
For several years, the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More...

Debt and Aid: Challenges and Opportunities for European NGOs

28 - 30 November 2004, Soesterberg, Netherlands
Eurodad's 2004 Annual Conference explored the role of European NGOs in relation to debt and aid, considering which institutions to target and what strategies to employ to create real change. More...

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